While most people would agree that we live in a connected world, most people don't act like they're connected to the people around them.
At Resolve we operate on the belief that
We are stronger togetherwhich means if we can give back and help others then it's our duty and obligation. Every year we partner with great causes to help others in our community. By doing so, we not only spread good karma, we use it as an opportunity to:
- strengthen our ties to each other
- renew our most important goals
- find clarity and appreciation in the little things
- resolve to appreciate others
- stop taking time for granted
Whatever challenge you're dealing with remember this: by helping others you also help yourself.

Charity Events
RESOLVE LIFE MANAGEMENT has been Adopting a family for Christmas since 2012!
The Christmas Season is a time for giving, and helping those who are most in need. Resolve Life Management and its community of members, have teamed up with for 4 straight years to help a family - single mother with 2 children - have a happy, loving and memorable Christmas. The family wishlist is comprised of necessities for the Winter as well as a few wants for Christmas. Resolve Life Management members, family and friends are welcomed to participate.
ReSolve Life Management started in 2007. It was created with the hope of becoming more than just a fitness and health training company. It was also created as a movement towards not only healthy living and positive change but also a means to mobilize the community of its members to serve society and make a positive contribution through acts of charity.
Charity Events Resolve Life Management and Community Members are involved in each year!
- Sponsoring a Family For Christmas -
- ORBIS Plane Pull For Sight
- Oasis Charity Zoo Run
- Children Wishmaker Walk For Wishes - Children's Wish Foundation Signature Event
Each year, Resolve Life Management hopes to increase its participation in Charitable events! We encourage all to come out and participate positively to the lives that are less fortunate than ourselves.