Life is guaranteed to bring a full range aches and pains, some of which can be so serious that they affect both the ability to move freely and quality of life. In an effort to help pain sufferers, a new technique, Fascial Stretch Therapy has been developed.



Resolve Life Management offers a unique, one-on-one, fascial stretch therapy treatment. During this session, you will be fully clothed comfortably on a special table while a RESOLVE certified fascial stretch therapist takes your body through a series of assisted stretches. With this relaxing, streamlined approach, optimal flexibility gains are made throughout the entire body. 



  • Improved posture and functional ability 
  • Pain reduction and elimination to improve quality of life
  • Restoration of normal joint space allowing you to move without pain
  • Improves injury rehabilitation increasing Range of Motion



Contact derek@resolvelm.com for more information or to book your appointment either in the comfort of your own home or in the Resolve Private Gym.